How Auto Lock Timer feature will work? User don’t need to press latch to auto lock?
Keeler Lock will automatically go in Lock State on pressing of Auto lock switch (wake up switch) and pressing latch on device after selected timer device should automatically lock. Auto lock feature will be enabling by Default. Default value for Auto Lock is 2 sec. Follow the below steps to enable Auto Connect feature.
- Launch SR Smart App, Press Settings -> SR Device Settings -> Select Auto Lock Time from Auto Lock Timer Listing
- Press Save
How Audio Message feature will work?
If this feature is enabled, then SR Device will play audio sound on performed actions on in it. For example on lock operation audio message will be Door is locked. Follow the below steps to enable Audio Message feature.
- Launch SR Smart App, Press Settings -> SR Device Settings -> Select Audio Enable Switch
- Press Save
How Notification function will work?
This switch is used to notify user if user has put Keeler device left open. User will get alert message if he/she will go out of range from device and its status is in open mode.
How set location will work?
SR Smart will ask user to set current location for ranging. Depending on location, SR Smart will notify user if user has put Keeler device left open if user has enabled Notification switch. User must be enable location service on for it.
How many users can be added to a Keeler Lock?
Maximum 10 users can be added in Keeler lock.
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